
  • Reports

Phase I: Short report 2020

Phase II: Short report 2021

Phase III: Short report 2022

  • Dissemination

Conference participations:

  • Oral presentation at ICEMS-BIOMED 2022– International Conference on Electromagnetic Fields, Signals and BioMedical Engineering, 19-20 May 2022, Sibiu, Romania.


Patent request

  • Submitted patent application no. A/00657/20.10.2022.

Web platform

Main contribution to research

Overall the project results determined the development of a web interface that stores and processes the ECG signals parameters and other clinical results from in vivo CKD models developed on male Wistar rats. After establishing the clinical framework and achieved the CKD data models, we studied and experimented specific artificial intelligence solutions in order to identify the correlations between the ECG data sets and the disease evolution based on the collected data in time. Therefore, the project team developed and validated, at laboratory level, an artificial intelligence tool that will allow early diagnosis of the CKD. The diagram below represents the main points achieved during the project implementation.